AJC > “a hub for the arts and Atlanta’s black middle class.”

(press.) The AJC’s Raisa Habersham covered our latest news on West End Atlanta. “New renderings released in Mall West End redevelopment”

Excerpt > “It’s hoped the new development will revive the West End and surrounding neighborhoods that were hit hard by the foreclosure crisis. Now a hot real estate market for Atlanta, the rising property values and developer speculation worry longtime residents who fear being priced out of the area. Gravel and Von have said they are not attempting to replicate other mixed-used projects and want to stay true to the West End’s character: A hub for the arts and Atlanta’s black middle class. “As an opportunity zone, the West End Mall was prime real estate for somebody from the outside to purchase and redevelop,” Gravel said in a statement. “But with (Elevator City Partners), the project is being led by people with a special interest in and connection to the proud history, culture, and community of West End.” > More

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